The health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids are supported by an overwhelming amount of scientific data. Magnum Vitamins® Omega-3 Fish Oil is a pharmaceutical grade omega-3 fish oil comprised of 120mg of DHA and 180mg of EPA per softgel with non-fishy odour. Tested to prove every bottle is free of environmental contaminants and heavy metals, Magnum Vitamins® Omega-3 Fish Oil uses only fresh wild fish – sardines and anchovies. Benefits of Omega-3: Supports cardiovascular health‡ Protects the cardiovascular system‡ Reduces the risk factors for developing various forms of heart disease‡ Aids in lowering blood pressure‡ Lowers the “bad” LDL Cholesterol‡ Raises the “good” HDL cholesterol‡ Contributes to the prevention of atherosclerosis‡ Purity is our first priority